LD 1482
pg. 10
Page 9 of 10 An Act To Revise Certain Provisions of Maine's Fish and Wildlife Laws LD 1482 Title Page
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LR 1852
Item 1

12. It makes the amount of time for registering wild
turkeys the same as that for registering bear, deer and moose,
18 hours. It is currently 12 hours.

13. It amends the law prohibiting fishing from a dam in
which a fishway is located to make it unlawful to fish from
any operational fishway rather than from the dam.

14. It amends the snowmobile laws by making a parent or
guardian of a minor under 18 years of age responsible if that
minor operates a snowmobile in violation of the snowmobile
laws. This is consistent with ATV law.

15. Currently, the violation of operating to endanger only
applies on the statewide snowmobile trail system or a public
right-of-way that is open to snowmobiling. This bill removes
that language.

16. It establishes a grace period for migratory waterfowl
permits and changes the permit to a calendar year permit.
Currently, permits expire on June 30th following the season
for which they were issued. These permits are now issued in
the form of a license rather than a stamp and will coincide
with the licensing year.

17. It requires that snowmobile operators stop before
entering a public way or private way maintained for travel and
that snowmobile operators yield the right-of-way to all
vehicular traffic while operating on a public way or private
way maintained for travel.

18. It amends the law regarding dogs chasing, wounding or
killing moose and deer, adding wild turkeys to the list.

19. It allows the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife to establish rules regarding permittees that are
selected to receive a moose hunting permit but are unable to
use the permit.

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