LD 1482
pg. 6
Page 5 of 10 An Act To Revise Certain Provisions of Maine's Fish and Wildlife Laws Page 7 of 10
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LR 1852
Item 1

Sec. 16. 12 MRSA §7457, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1997, c. 463, §2, is
further amended to read:

3. Deer tags. The commissioner shall prescribe the form
and content of a deer tag and shall produce a deer tag that is
part of issued with a big game hunting license issued for
calendar year 1998 and thereafter.

Sec. 17. 12 MRSA §7463-A, sub-§12, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 118, §2,
is amended to read:

12. Authority of commissioner. The commissioner may issue
applications for moose hunting permits, issue permits and make
all rules and regulations pertaining thereto to moose hunting
permits, including provisins for permittees who are selected
for a permit but unable to use the permit. The commissioner
may make all other rules and regulations which he that the
commissioner considers necessary for the protection of the
moose resource.

Sec. 18. 12 MRSA §7469, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 95, §1, is
amended to read:

6. Keeping an unregistered wild turkey. A person is guilty
of keeping an unregistered wild turkey if he that person keeps
an unregistered wild turkey at his that person's home, or any
place of storage except at an official wild turkey
registration station or at the office of an inland fisheries
and wildlife warden, for more than 12 18 hours.

Sec. 19. 12 MRSA §7505, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 420, §1,
is amended to read:

3. Failure to restrain or control a nuisance dog. The owner
or keeper of a dog is guilty of failure to restrain or control
a nuisance dog if:

A. His That person's dog is found chasing or pursuing any
moose, caribou, deer or elk wild turkey at any time, or
any other wild animal in closed season;

B. His That person's dog is found killing or wounding any
moose, caribou, deer or elk wild turkey at any time, or
any other wild animal in closed season;

C. His That person's bird dog, retrieving dog or hound is
found killing or wounding any moose, caribou, deer or elk wild
turkey during the period in which it is lawful to train dogs,
as provided for in section 7863, subsection 1, while

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