LD 1504
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Clarify the Work Center Purchases Committee Requirements for Work Cen... LD 1504 Title Page
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LR 1974
Item 1

is received, the committee shall review the bid and make a
determination regarding the fairness of the price and terms of the
proposed contract. If the committee determines that the work center
may not be awarded this bid, the State Purchasing Agent Director of
the Bureau of General Services shall confer with the Department of
Corrections to determine whether the Department of Corrections is
able to provide the product or service at a fair price. If the
State Purchasing Agent Director of the Bureau of General Services
and the Department of Corrections do not come to agreement, the
contract must be offered for standard competitive bid by the State
Purchasing Agent Director of the Bureau of General Services in
accordance with standard rules and procedures.


This bill clarifies the Work Center Purchases Committee
requirements for work Ccnters and competitive bidding.

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