LD 1539
pg. 81
Page 80 of 101 An Act To Amend the Laws Relating to Corporations, Limited Partnerships, Limite... Page 82 of 101
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LR 1942
Item 1

C.__The assumed or fictitious name the limited liability
company intends to terminate.

Sec. C-25. 31 MRSA §606, as amended by PL 1995, c. 514, §§4 and 5,
is repealed.

Sec. C-26. 31 MRSA §606-A is enacted to read:

§606-A.__Registered name of foreign limited liability company

1.__Register limited liability company name.__A foreign
limited liability company may register its limited liability
company name if the name is distinguishable on the records of the
Secretary of State pursuant to section 603-A.

2.__Application.__To register its limited liability company
name, a foreign limited liability company must execute and
deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an application that:

A.__Sets forth its limited liability company name, the state
or country and date of its organization, the address of its
principal office wherever located and a brief description of
the nature of the business in which it is engaged; and

B.__Is accompanied by a certificate of existence or a
document of similar import duly authenticated by the
secretary of state or other official having custody of
limited liability company records in the state or country
under whose law the foreign limited liability company is
organized. The certificate of existence must have been made
not more than 90 days prior to the delivery of the
application for filing.

3.__Applicant's exclusive use.__A limited liability company
name is registered for a foreign limited liability company's
exclusive use upon the effective date of the application under
subsection 2 until the end of the calendar year in which the
application was filed.

4.__Renewal of registered name.__A foreign limited liability
company whose registration under this section is effective may
renew it for a successive year by delivering for filing to the
Secretary of State between October 1st and December 31st a
renewal application that complies with the requirements of
subsection 2. The renewal application, when filed, renews the
registration for the following calendar year.

5.__Qualify as foreign limited liability company.__A foreign
limited liability company whose registration under this section
is effective may, after the registration is effective, qualify as

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