LD 1548
pg. 12
Page 11 of 12 An Act To Amend the Election Laws LD 1548 Title Page
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LR 1937
Item 1

attempts to interfere with the correct operation of such a device
or equipment or the secrecy of voting, commits a Class C B crime.


This bill adds or amends the definitions for certain voting
terms. The bill also specifies how ballots must be destroyed
after their retention period. This bill clarifies the process
for adding names of new registrants to the voting list for
election day. The bill also prohibits the use of obscene
language in the name of a new political party or for a nonparty
candidate's political designation on petitions or the ballot.
The bill corrects an incorrect reference to the Maine Rules of
Civil Procedure, relating to challenges of the Secretary of
State's decision regarding candidate petitions. This bill adds a
reason for challenging ballots, which is currently found in
another section of law, to the challenge section. The bill also
removes the penalty for soliciting a vote from a person who is
under guardianship because of mental illness. The bill clarifies
the prohibition against the use of devices in the voting place to
make audible voice communications that influence voters. This
bill also specifies that the state-supplied tamper-proof
containers and locks must only be used to secure state ballots
and election materials. The bill clarifies the requirement that
the clerk must provide a secure location for keeping ballots and
voting equipment. This bill also clarifies which candidates can
request a recount and increases the deposit amount for recounts
requested when the difference between the vote totals is over 6%,
8% and 10% of the total votes cast for the office. This bill
details specific requirements for when a clerk must accept a
written absentee ballot application, written request or telephone
application. The bill also clarifies the circumstances when a
voter can be issued a 2nd absentee ballot, as well as directing
the election officials as to which of these ballots must be
processed and counted on election day. Finally, this bill
changes the penalty for tampering with an electronic tabulating
device or other type of voting device so that it is consistent
with the penalty for tampering with a voting machine. This bill
also clarifies who are designated recount candidates and the
procedure to be used in notifying a candidate of the recount.

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