LD 1548
pg. 7
Page 6 of 12 An Act To Amend the Election Laws Page 8 of 12
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LR 1937
Item 1

the municipalities, the deposit made by the candidate requesting
the recount is forfeited to the State if the resulting count fails
to change the outcome of the election. If the recount reverses the
election, the deposit must be returned to the candidate requesting
the recount. The amount of the deposit is calculated as follows.

A. If the percentage difference shown by the official
tabulation between the leading candidate and the 2nd-place
requesting candidate is 2% or less of the total votes cast
for that office, a deposit is not required.

B. If the percentage difference shown by the official
tabulation between the leading candidate and the 2nd-place
requesting candidate is more than 2% and less than or equal
to 4% of the total votes cast for that office, the deposit
is $500.

C. If the percentage difference shown by the official
tabulation between the leading candidate and the 2nd-place
requesting candidate is more than 4% or more and less than
or equal to 6% of the total votes cast for that office, the
deposit is $1,000.

D.__If the percentage difference shown by the official
tabulation between the leading candidate and the requesting
candidate is more than 6% and less than or equal to 8% of
the total votes cast for that office, the deposit is $2,500.

E.__If the percentage difference shown by the official
tabulation between the leading candidate and the requesting
candidate is more than 8% and less than or equal to 10% of
the total votes cast for that office, the deposit is $5,000.

F.__If the percentage difference shown by the official
tabulation between the leading candidate and the requesting
candidate is more than 10% of the total votes cast for that
office, the deposit is $10,000.

Sec. 21. 21-A MRSA §737-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 473, §31
and affected by §46, is amended to read:

4. Time of recount and designated recount candidates. The
recount must be held as soon as reasonably possible at a time and
place that affords the designated recount candidates a reasonable
opportunity to be present. For purposes of this section, "the
designated recount candidates" means the leading candidate and
each candidate who has requested a recount and paid the
applicable fee in accordance with this section.__The recount
involves a new count of the results for the designated recount

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