LD 1551
pg. 10
Page 9 of 17 An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors Page 11 of 17
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LR 1815
Item 1

C.__Any pending litigation that the applicant is involved in
arising out of the field of home construction, home
improvements or other construction work.

5.__Continuing education required.__As a prerequisite to
renewal of a home contractor salesperson's license, applicants
must complete continuing education requirements pursuant to rules
adopted by the board.

6.__Renewal.__Licenses expire annually on December 31st or on
a date the commissioner determines.__The board shall issue a
renewal license upon receipt of the written request for renewal,
the annual fee and evidence of satisfactory completion of the
continuing education requirement pursuant to subsection 5.__
Licenses may be renewed up to 90 days after expiration upon
payment of a late fee in addition to the renewal fee.__A person
who submits an application for renewal more than 90 days after
the license expiration date is subject to all requirements
governing new applicants under this chapter.

§15355.__Prohibited acts

The following acts are prohibited and are unfair trade


A.__A substantial misrepresentation in the procurement of a
home construction or home improvement contract or any false
promise that influences, persuades or induces an owner to
engage in a home construction or home improvement contract;

B.__Any fraud in the execution or alteration of any
contract, mortgage, promissory note or other document
incident to a home improvement transaction;

C.__Presentation of oneself falsely or impersonation of a
licensed home contractor or home contractor salesperson;

D.__Entrance into a home construction or home improvement
contract with the intent of:

(1)__Damaging the property of an owner;

(2)__Doing work on the property of an owner without the
owner's prior authorization;

(3)__Misrepresenting that the home contractor or another person
is an employee or agent of the Federal

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