LD 1551
pg. 7
Page 6 of 17 An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors Page 8 of 17
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LR 1815
Item 1

6.__Certified vocational school program.__Is a student
enrolled in a certified vocational school program in which the
student works under the direct supervision of a licensed home

7.__Public utility.__Is a public utility operating under the
regulations of the Public Utilities Commission in construction,
maintenance or development work incidental to the public
utility's business; or

8.__Supplies; materials.__Only furnishes materials, supplies
or equipment without fabricating them or consuming them in the
performance of the work of the home contractor.

§15350.__License limitation

A license issued under this chapter may be issued to a person
or a business entity.__If the applicant is a corporation,
partnership, limited liability company or other business entity,
a qualifying natural person within the entity must be designated
on the application and the entity's license must be terminated
immediately if that individual no longer holds the qualifying
relationship with the entity.__If a corporation, the qualifying
natural person must be a responsible managing officer or a
responsible managing employee who holds a license as a home
contractor under this chapter. If a partnership or other entity,
the qualifying natural person must be a responsible general
partner or a responsible managing employee who holds a license as
a home contractor under this chapter.

§15351.__Changes and circumstances

A licensee shall report a change of address or name or other
material change in the condition or qualifications set forth in
the original application no later than 30 days after the change.__
Upon proper notice, the board's records must be changed and a new
license issued for the unexpired term of the current license if

§15352.__Denial of license

The board may deny a license if an applicant:

1.__Fails to submit completed application.__Fails to submit a
completed application within 30 days after being notified of the
materials needed to complete the application;

2.__Untrustworthy; incompetent.__Fails to provide satisfactory
proof that the applicant is trustworthy and

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