LD 1592
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act To Amend the Department of Corrections' Laws Pertaining to Juvenile Offe... Page 6 of 7
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LR 1964
Item 1

3. Psychiatric hospitalization. The commissioner has all the
power over a juvenile client that a guardian has over a ward and
that a parent has over a child with regard to necessary
psychiatric hospitalization, including hospitalization in a
nonstate mental health institution or hospital for the mentally
ill. If a juvenile client is or becomes 18 years of age while
still under commitment, the statutory guardianship of the
commissioner over the juvenile client terminates, but the
juvenile client remains subject to the control of the
commissioner and staff and rules of the facility until the
expiration of the period of commitment or until discharge from
the facility. Nothing in this subsection may be construed to
override the requirement to make application for psychiatric
hospitalization in accordance with Title 34-B, section 3863,
unless hospitalization is made with the juvenile client's consent
in accordance with Title 34-B, section 3831. The commissioner
may make application for necessary psychiatric hospitalization of
a juvenile detainee, including hospitalization in a nonstate
mental health institution or hospital for the mentally ill, in
accordance with Title 34-B, section 3863.

Sec. 19. 34-A MRSA §4112, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 583, §45 and
amended by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt. G, §8, is further amended to

§4112. Community reintegration status

1. Commissioner's powers. During a juvenile client's
commitment to the Mountain View Youth Development Center, the
commissioner may, at the commissioner's discretion:

A. Keep the juvenile client at the Mountain View Youth
Development Center; or

B. Place the juvenile client on aftercare community
reintegration status for a period not exceeding the term of
the juvenile's commitment.

2. Reports. As often as the commissioner requires, the
person or agency caring for the juvenile client while on
aftercare community reintegration status shall report to the

A. The progress and behavior of the juvenile client,
whether or not the juvenile client remains under the care of
the person or agency; and

B. If the juvenile client is not under the care of the
person or agency, where the client is.

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