LD 1621
pg. 7
Page 6 of 8 An Act To Amend the Structure of the Office of Advocacy Page 8 of 8
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LR 2135
Item 1

within 2 30 working days after the day of the occurrence or
discovery of the alleged incident.

Sec. 7. 34-B MRSA §5608, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410, Pt.
CCC, §42, is further amended to read:

2. Duties. The government of the persons receiving services
shall work closely with the division and the Office of Advocacy
and Adult Protective Services to promote the interests and
welfare of all residents in the facility.

Sec. 8. Report. The Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services shall study the effectiveness of the organizational
structure of the new Office of Advocacy and Adult Protective
Services and submit a report to the Joint Standing Committee on
Health and Human Services on or before July 1, 2004. The report
must include its recommendations for any necessary additional or
amending legislation affecting the organizational structure of
the Office of Advocacy and Adult Protective Services, taking into
consideration the anticipated effects of any legislation proposed
by the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services and
the Department of Human Services to merge. The Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services shall provide a copy of the
report to the Consumer Advisory Board and to the Special Master
in the Community Consent Decree case in advance of the report's
submission to the committee.

Sec. 9. Transition provisions.

1. The Office of Advocacy and Adult Protective Services
within the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services is
the successor in every way to the powers, duties and functions of
the former Office of Advocacy.

2. All existing rules, regulations and procedures in effect,
in operation or promulgated in or by the Office of Advocacy or
any of its administrative units or officers are hereby declared
in effect and continue in effect until rescinded, revised or
amended by the proper authority.

3. All existing contracts, agreements and compacts currently
in effect in the Office of Advocacy continue in effect.

4. Any positions authorized and allocated subject to the
personnel laws to the former Office of Advocacy are transferred
to the Office of Advocacy and Adult Protective Services and may
continue to be authorized.

5. All records, property and equipment previously belonging
to or allocated for the use of the former Office of Advocacy

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