LD 1629
pg. 24
Page 23 of 55 RESOLUTION, Proposing a Competing Measure under the Constitution of Maine To Cr... Page 25 of 55
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LR 2165
Item 1

including but not limited to those for school construction
projects and obligations to the successor in interest to the
former Maine School Building Authority pursuant to any
contract, lease or agreement made by the school board of
directors pursuant to approval thereof in a district meeting
of the school management unit, as well as any general
obligation indebtedness of any participating municipality
assumed by the municipal service district.__For purposes of
this paragraph, the term "outstanding indebtedness" does not
include any indebtedness of any municipality assumed by the
school management unit at the time of its formation or any
contract, lease or agreement of the successor in interest to
the former Maine School Building Authority to which by
operation of law the school management unit has become the

F.__The agreement must contain any additional terms
necessary to effectuate dissolution of the municipal service
district without undue disruption of services provided by
the municipal service district to the public.

G.__Within 60 days of the receipt of the agreement, the
municipal service district officers shall review the
agreement and may recommend changes.__ Changes recommended
pursuant to this paragraph must be based upon the standards
set forth in paragraphs B to F and the officers' findings on
whether the agreement will provide for appropriate
educational and other services to the public and for the
orderly transition of assets, liabilities and governance and
other matters related to the municipal service district.

H.__If the municipal service district officers recommend
changes in the agreement, they shall notify the committee
established pursuant to paragraph A by registered mail and
schedule a meeting to discuss the recommended changes within
14 days of the close of the 60-day period provided for by
paragraph G.__By majority vote, the committee may accept or
reject the officers' recommendations.

I.__The municipal service district officers shall schedule a
public hearing to discuss the merits of the proposed
agreement of dissolution and shall provide notice to the
clerk of each participating municipality at least 20 days
prior to the date set for the hearing. The chair of the
municipal service district officers shall conduct the

(1)__The municipal service district officers shall post a public
notice in each participating municipality of

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