LD 1629
pg. 36
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Item 1

contained in that section regarding the justification necessary
for a supplemental assessment.

5.__Local review.__Reports properly filed pursuant to
subsection 4 must be reviewed by the assessor with whom they are
filed.__A taxing jurisdiction is not entitled to state
reimbursement pursuant to section 661 with respect to property
entitled to exemption under this section unless the assessor
certifies to the State Tax Assessor that the property qualifies
for such exemption.__The local taxing jurisdiction shall file an
annual certification for business equipment exemptions by
November 1st following the April 1st exemption date or 30 days
after commitment of taxes, whichever is later, but in no event
later than 120 days following November 1st following the April
1st exemption date.__ All exemptions certified by the local
taxing jurisdiction must be applied in calculating the taxable
valuation of property in that jurisdiction, unless the
jurisdiction determines that the property is not entitled to
exemption and provides a corrected certification to the State Tax

6.__State valuation.__The State Tax Assessor shall annually
determine the value of property that is exempt pursuant to this
section based upon the business equipment exemption
certifications filed by local taxing jurisdictions under
subsection 5.__The State Tax Assessor shall use the valuation of
exempt property so determined to compute the reimbursement
required by section 661 arising from property tax exemptions.__
The State Tax Assessor shall establish a uniform methodology to
be used in determining the just value of certified exempt
property.__The valuations of certified exempt property as
determined by the State Tax Assessor must be reported to local
taxing jurisdictions no later than July 1st following receipt of
the certified reports.__The valuations determined may be appealed
in the same fashion as provided for the state valuation
determined in accordance with section 305, subsection 1, with the
exception that the State Board of Property Tax Review, as
established by Title 5, section 12004-B, subsection 6, must
render its decision no later than November 15th following the
date on which the appeal is taken.__The board must certify its
decisions on these exemption appeals to the State Tax Assessor by
December 1st of the year following the application of the
exemption.__The valuations of exempt property must be filed with
the Secretary of State by December 10th following the year of

7.__State review.__The State Tax Assessor may review exemption
claims made under this section and may disqualify any exemption
certified under subsection 5 within a 2-year period from the date
of the local tax jurisdiction certification.__In a

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