LD 1629
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LR 2165
Item 1

§2114.__Charter amendment; procedure

1.__Municipal service district officers.__The municipal
service district officers may determine that amendments to the
municipal service district charter should be considered and, by
order, provide for notice and hearing on them in the same manner
as provided in subsection 5, paragraph A.__Within 7 days after
the hearing, the municipal service district officers may order
the proposed amendment to be placed on the ballot at the next
regular municipal election in each participating municipality
held at least 30 days after the order is passed; or they may
order a special election to be held at least 30 days from the
date of the order for the purpose of voting on the proposed

A.__Each amendment must be limited to a single subject, but
more than one section of the charter may be amended as long
as it is germane to that subject.

B. Alternative statements of a single amendment are

2.__Petition by voters.__On the written petition of a number
of voters equal to at least 20% of the number of votes cast in
the participating municipalities as a whole at the last
gubernatorial election, but in no case less than 200, the
municipal service district officers, by order, shall provide that
proposed amendments to the municipal service district charter be
placed on a ballot in accordance with paragraphs A and B.

A.__Each amendment must be limited to a single subject, but
more than one section of the charter may be amended as long
as it is germane to that subject.

B.__Alternative statements of a single amendment are

3.__Petition procedure.__The petition forms must carry the
following legend in bold lettering at the top of the face of each

"(Name of municipal service district)"

"Each of the undersigned voters respectfully requests the
municipal service district officers to provide for the amendment
of the municipal service district charter as set out below."

No more than one subject may be included in a petition.__In all
other respects, the form, content and procedures governing

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