LD 1636
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the E... Page 5 of 6
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LR 2199
Item 1

1, 2003 and that section of this Part that amends Public Law
2003, chapter 451 applies retroactively to June 12, 2003.


Sec. B-1. Supplemental appropriations and allocations. There are
appropriated and allocated from the various funds for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2004, to the departments listed, the
following sums.


Elder and Adult Services - Bureau of 0140

Initiative: Provides for the appropriation and allocation of
funds for Alzheimer's respite services, homemaker services and
the long-term care ombudsman program.

General Fund2003-04

All Other$128,915


General Fund Total$128,915

Other Special Revenue Funds

All Other$11,700


Other Special Revenue Funds Total$11,700

Congregate Housing 0211

Initiative: Provides for the appropriation of funds for
independent housing with services and assisted living programs.

General Fund2003-04

All Other$67,843


General Fund Total$67,843

Long Term Care - Human Services 0420

Initiative: Provides for the appropriation of funds for long-
term care assessments.

General Fund2003-04

All Other$186,000


General Fund Total$186,000


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