LD 1655
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act To Amend Certain Laws Administered by the Department of Environmental Pr... Page 3 of 7
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LR 2608
Item 1

(1) From the outlet of Meddybemps Lake to the Route 1 Bunker
Hill Road bridge - Class AA.

(2) From the Route 1 Bunker Hill Road bridge to tidewater
- Class B. Further, the Legislature finds that the
free-flowing habitat of this river segment provides
irreplaceable social and economic benefits and that
this use must be maintained.

B. Dennys River, tributaries - Class A unless otherwise

(1) All tributaries entering below the Route 1 Bunker Hill
Road bridge - Class B.

(2) Venture Brook in Edmunds Township - Class AA.

Sec. 5. 38 MRSA §480-D, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 809, §2, is
amended to read:

7. Sand or gravel supply. If the activity is on or adjacent
to a sand dune, it will not unreasonably interfere with the
natural supply or movement of sand or gravel within or to the
sand dune system or unreasonably increase the erosion hazard to
the sand dune system.

Sec. 6. 38 MRSA §551, sub-§2, ¶J, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 817, §11,
is amended to read:

J. A responsible party claimant is not eligible for
compensation under this subsection for costs, expenses or
damages related to the specific a discharge for which the if
the commissioner determines that the claimant is a
responsible party is determined responsible as defined under
section 542, subsection 9-C.

Sec. 7. 38 MRSA §551, sub-§2, ¶M is enacted to read:

M.__The commissioner may dismiss a 3rd-party damage claim
for untimely filing, for failure by the claimant to provide
the information necessary to process the claim within 60
days after the claimant receives written notice that the
claim is insufficient for processing or for ineligibility as
determined by the commissioner under paragraph J.__A
dismissal may be appealed to Superior Court in accordance
with Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 7.

Sec. 8. 38 MRSA §564, sub-§2-A, ¶H, as amended by PL 1993, c. 732, Pt.
A, §2, is further amended to read:

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