LD 1674
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Expand Property Tax Exemptions for Veterans to Cooperative Housing ... LD 1674 Title Page
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LR 2234
Item 1

the pension or compensation from the Federal Government based
upon the service-connected death of her child during any
federally recognized war period during or before World War I.

The exemption provided in this paragraph is in lieu of any
exemption under paragraph D to which the person may be
eligible and applies to the property of that person,
including property held in a revocable living trust for the
benefit of that person. The exemption provided in this
paragraph also applies to the ownership interest of that
person in a cooperative housing entity.


This bill applies the property tax exemption for veterans to
veterans or certain members of their family who have an ownership
interest in a cooperative housing entity.

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