LD 1698
pg. 11
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LR 2485
Item 1

11.__Defend.__The commission shall defend any member, officer,
executive director, employee or representative of the commission in
any civil action seeking to impose liability arising out of any
actual or alleged act, error or omission that occurred within the
scope of commission employment, duties or responsibilities, or that
the person against whom the claim is made had a reasonable basis
for believing occurred within the scope of commission employment,
duties or responsibilities, as long as the actual or alleged act,
error or omission did not result from that person's intentional or
willful and wanton misconduct.__Nothing in this subsection may be
construed to prohibit that person from retaining counsel.

12.__Indemnification.__The commission shall indemnify and hold
harmless any member, officer, executive director, employee or
representative of the commission for the amount of any settlement
or judgment obtained against that person arising out of any
actual or alleged act, error or omission that occurred within the
scope of commission employment, duties or responsibilities, or
that such person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred
within the scope of commission employment, duties or
responsibilities, as long as the actual or alleged act, error or
omission did not result from the intentional or willful and
wanton misconduct of that person.

§2477.__Meetings; acts of commission -- Article 6

1.__Meetings.__The commission shall meet and take such actions
as are consistent with the provisions of this compact and the

2.__Participate at meetings.__Each member of the commission
has the right and power to cast the vote to which the member's
compacting state is entitled and to participate in the business
and affairs of the commission.__A member shall vote in person or
by such other means as provided in the bylaws.__The bylaws may
provide for members' participation in meetings by telephone or
other means of communication.

3.__Annual meeting.__The commission shall meet at least once
during each calendar year.__Additional meetings are held as set
forth in the bylaws.

§2478.__Rules and operating procedures, rule-making functions of

the commission and opting out of uniform standards --

Article 7

1.__Rule-making authority.__The commission shall promulgate
reasonable rules, including uniform standards and operating

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