LD 1698
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Page 13 of 22 An Act To Join the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact Page 15 of 22
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LR 2485
Item 1

stay may be terminated by the commission upon notice that the rule-
making process has been terminated.

7.__Petition for judicial review of rule or operating
procedure.__Not later than 30 days after a rule or operating
procedure is promulgated, any person may file a petition for
judicial review of the rule or operating procedure.__The filing
of such a petition does not stay or otherwise prevent the rule or
operating procedure from becoming effective unless the court
finds that the petitioner has a substantial likelihood of
success.__The court shall give deference to the actions of the
commission consistent with applicable law and may not find the
rule or operating procedure to be unlawful if the rule or
operating procedure represents a reasonable exercise of the
commission's authority.

§2479.__Commission records and enforcement -- Article 8

1.__Public inspection and copying of information and records.__
The commission shall promulgate rules establishing conditions and
procedures for public inspection and copying of its information
and official records, except information and records involving
the privacy of individuals and insurers' trade secrets.__The
commission may promulgate additional rules under which it may
make available to federal and state agencies, including law
enforcement agencies, records and information otherwise exempt
from disclosure, and may enter into agreements with such agencies
to receive or exchange information or records subject to
nondisclosure and confidentiality provisions.

2.__Laws pertaining to confidentiality or nondisclosure.__
Except as to privileged records, data and information, the laws
of any compacting state pertaining to confidentiality or
nondisclosure do not relieve any compacting state commissioner of
the duty to disclose any relevant records, data or information to
the commission.__Disclosure to the commission may not be
considered to waive or otherwise affect any confidentiality
requirement.__Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
chapter, the commission is not subject to the compacting state's
laws pertaining to confidentiality and nondisclosure with respect
to records, data and information in its possession.__Confidential
information of the commission remains confidential after such
information is provided to any commissioner.

3.__Compliance.__The commission shall monitor compacting
states for compliance with duly adopted bylaws, rules, including
uniform standards, and operating procedures.__The commission
shall notify any noncomplying compacting state in writing of its
noncompliance with commission bylaws, rules or operating
procedures.__If a noncomplying compacting state fails to remedy

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