LD 1753
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Improve the Quality and Safety in the Delivery of Personal Care Servi... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2637
Item 1

B.__Has been convicted in a court of law of a crime
involving abuse, neglect or misappropriation of property in
a health care setting; or

C.__Has a prior criminal conviction within the last 10 years

(1)__A crime for which incarceration of 3 years or more
may be imposed under the laws of the state in which the
conviction occurred; or

(2)__A crime for which incarceration of less than 3
years may be imposed under the laws of the state in
which the conviction occurred involving sexual
misconduct or involving abuse, neglect or exploitation
in a setting other than a health care setting.

Sec. 3. 22 MRSA §8606 is enacted to read:

§8606.__Prohibited employment

An adult day care program shall obtain criminal history record
information about and may not hire an individual as one of its
unlicensed assistive personnel as defined in section 1717,
subsection 1, paragraph D if that individual:

1.__Subject of annotation.__Has worked as a certified nursing
assistant and has been the subject of an annotation by the state
survey agency for a substantiated complaint of abuse, neglect or
misappropriation of property in a health care setting that was
entered on the Maine Registry of Certified Nursing Assistants;

2.__Convicted of crime involving abuse, neglect or
misappropriation of property in health care setting.__Has been
convicted in a court of law of a crime involving abuse, neglect
or misappropriation of property in a health care setting; or

3.__Other crimes.__Has a prior criminal conviction within the
last 10 years of:

A.__A crime for which incarceration of 3 years or more may
be imposed under the laws of the state in which the
conviction occurred; or

B.__A crime for which incarceration of less than 3 years may
be imposed under the laws of the state in which the
conviction occurred involving sexual misconduct or involving
abuse, neglect or exploitation in a setting other than a
health care setting.

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