LD 1766
pg. 13
Page 12 of 21 An Act To Simplify the Finance Authority of Maine Act Page 14 of 21
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LR 2611
Item 1

quality pursuant to requirements for gasoline
service station vapor control and petroleum liquids
transfer vapor recovery, except that the authority
may not at any time have, in the aggregate amount of
the principal and interest outstanding, loan
insurance obligations pursuant to this division
exceeding $5,000,000;

(c)__Clean fuel vehicle projects, except that the
authority may not at any time have, in the
aggregate amount of the principal and interest
outstanding, loan insurance obligations pursuant
to this division exceeding $5,000,000;

(d)__Waste oil disposal site clean-up projects,
except that the authority may not at any time
have, in the aggregate amount of the principal and
interest outstanding, loan insurance obligations
pursuant to this division exceeding $1,000,000; or

(e)__The Plymouth waste oil remedial study, except
that the authority may not at any time have, in
the aggregate amount of the principal and interest
outstanding, loan insurance obligations pursuant
to this division exceeding $1,000,000; and

(2) In the case of insurance provided pursuant to section
1026-C, $25,000; or Ninety percent of the principal
amount of the loan made to any borrower, including
related entities for any other manufacturing
enterprise, industrial enterprise, recreational
enterprise, fishing enterprise, agricultural
enterprise, natural resource enterprise or any other
eligible business enterprise;

(3) In the case of insurance provided pursuant to section
1026-D, $1,000,000;

B. The loan shall must be serviced as required by the
authority; and

C. Such other terms as may be required by law or by the

D.__The authority must determine that there is a reasonable
prospect that the loan will be repaid;

E.__The loan must be in compliance with the credit policy of
the authority;

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