LD 1766
pg. 4
Page 3 of 21 An Act To Simplify the Finance Authority of Maine Act Page 5 of 21
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LR 2611
Item 1

38. Loan payments. "Mortgage Loan payments" means payments
required by or received on account of a mortgage or any other
financial document, including, but not limited to, payments
covering interest, installments of principal, taxes, assessments,
loan insurance premiums and hazard insurance premiums.

Sec. 12. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§44, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 344, §7,
is amended to read:

44. Project. "Project" means any eligible project or eligible

Sec. 13. 10 MRSA §964, sub-§1, ¶A, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 519, §6,
is amended to read:

A. Mortgage Loan Insurance Program;

Sec. 14. 10 MRSA §964, sub-§1, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 519, §6,
is repealed.

Sec. 15. 10 MRSA §964, sub-§1, ¶E, as amended by PL 1985, c. 344, §8,
is repealed.

Sec. 16. 10 MRSA §969-A, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1991, c. 511, Pt. A,
§3, is further amended to read:

5. Loan transactions. Purchase, sell, service, pledge,
invest in, hold, trade, accept as collateral or otherwise deal
in, acquire or transfer, on such terms and conditions as the
authority may specify, any mortgage loan, mortgage pass-through
certificate, pledge including any pledge of mortgage revenue,
mortgage participation certificate, revenue obligation security
or other mortgage-backed or mortgage-related security. Any such
transaction may be conducted by public or private offering, with
or without public bidding. In connection with the purchase or
sale of a mortgage loan or of a beneficial interest or
participation in a mortgage loan, the authority may enter into
one or more agreements providing for the custody, control and
administration of the mortgage loan. Any such agreement may
provide that the authority, a financial institution or other
person shall act as trustor, trustee or custodian under the
agreement. Any such agreement may provide that, with respect to
mortgage loans governed by the agreement, title to a mortgage
loan, or to a beneficial interest or participation in a mortgage
loan, is deemed to have been transferred on terms and to the
extent specified in that agreement and that the effect of a sale
of a beneficial interest or participation in a mortgage loan is
the same as a sale of a mortgage loan.

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