LD 1766
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Page 5 of 21 An Act To Simplify the Finance Authority of Maine Act Page 7 of 21
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LR 2611
Item 1

(7) Names of financial institutions participating in
providing financial assistance and the general terms of
that financial assistance;

Sec. 18. 10 MRSA §986, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 519, §7, is
amended to read:

4. Procure insurance. The authority may procure insurance
from public or private entities against any loss in connection
with its operations and property interests, including insurance
for any loss in connection with any bonds or obligations held by
it and any of its property or assets and for payment of any bonds
or obligations issued by it. To the maximum extent possible, the
authority shall use the mortgage loan insurance program
established pursuant to subchapter II 2.

Sec. 19. 10 MRSA §997, sub-§2, śC, as amended by PL 1985, c. 344, §36,
is further amended to read:

C. Mortgage Loan insurance for loans which that satisfy the
following requirements:

(1) The lender must be a seller of agricultural land and
other eligible collateral:

(a) Who is a natural person; or

(b) Which That is a family farm corporation;

(2) The borrower must be an entrant to natural resource

(3) The loan must be made for the purpose of financing all
or part of the purchase price of agricultural land and
other eligible collateral; and

(4) The interest rate on the loan must be significantly
less than the market interest rate, if required by the
authority; and

Sec. 20. 10 MRSA §1023-D, sub-§3, as amended by PL 2001, c. 231, §3,
is further amended to read:

3. Application of fund. Money in the fund may be applied to
carry out any power of the authority under this section or under
or in connection with section 1026-F 1026-A, subsection 1,
paragraph A, subparagraph (1), division (b), including, but not
limited to, to pledge or transfer and deposit money in the fund
as security for and to apply money in the fund in payment of
principal, interest and other amounts due on insured loans.

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