LD 1814
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act Concerning Disability Retirement Benefits under the Maine State Retireme... Page 5 of 5
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LR 2564
Item 1

consistent with the person's training, education or
experience and average final compensation adjusted by the
same percentage adjustment as has been received under
section 18407. The disability retirement benefit
continues if the person can effectively demonstrate to
the executive director that the person is actively
seeking work. For purposes of this subparagraph, the
ability to engage in substantially gainful activity is
demonstrated by the performance of work resulting in
annual earnings that exceed $20,000 or 80% of the
disability retirement benefit of the recipient's average
final compensation at retirement, whichever is greater,
adjusted by the same percentage adjustments granted under
section 18407.

(2) If the person refuses to submit to the
examinations or tests under this paragraph, the
disability retirement benefit is discontinued until
that person withdraws the refusal.

(3) If the person's refusal under subparagraph (2)
continues for one year, all rights to any further
benefits under this article cease.

(4) If it is determined, on the basis of the
examinations or tests under this paragraph, that the
disability of a person no longer exists, the payment of
the disability retirement benefit ceases.

(5) The executive director shall notify the person in
writing of the decision to discontinue the disability
retirement allowance under subparagraph (2) or (4).

(a) The decision is subject to appeal under
section 17451.

(b) If the person appeals the executive
director's decision, the disability retirement
allowance may not be discontinued until all
appeals have been exhausted.

Sec. 5. Retroactivity. This Act applies retroactively to January 1,


This bill amends the laws regarding disability retirement
benefits under the Maine Revised Statutes to clarify
substantially gainful activity as being demonstrated by the

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