LD 1818
pg. 8
Page 7 of 14 An Act To Amend the Economic Development Laws Page 9 of 14
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LR 2621
Item 1

expenses for their attendance at authorized meetings of the

B. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
or the commissioner's designee, the President of the Maine
Community College System or the president's designee and the
Chancellor of the University of Maine System or the
chancellor's designee are ex officio voting directors.

C. The President of the Maine Science and Technology
Foundation or the president's designee and the Director of
the State Planning Office or the director's designee are is
an ex officio nonvoting directors director.

D. The Maine Technology Institute Director is a nonvoting

Sec. 12. 10 MRSA §965, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1987, c. 403, §2 and
c. 534, Pt. B, §§7 and 23, is further amended to read:

4. State members. Three members of the authority shall
represent the State and shall consist of , including:

A. The Commissioner of Economic and Community Development
or the commissioner's designee;

B. One natural resources commissioner designated by the
Governor from either the Department of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources; the Department of Conservation; or the
Department of Marine Resources; and

C. The Treasurer of State, ex officio.

Sec. 13. 10 MRSA §1413, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 503, §2, is
amended to read:

4. Commission. "Commission" means the Commission on Energy
Efficiency Building Performance Standards Public Utilities

Sec. 14. 10 MRSA §1413, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1989, c. 501, Pt. DD,
§21, is repealed.

Sec. 15. 10 MRSA §1413, sub-§11, as amended by PL 1991, c. 824, Pt. A,
§13, is further amended to read:

11. Manual of Accepted Practices. "Manual of Accepted
Practices" means the Manual of Accepted Practices prepared by the
Department of Economic and Community Development Public Utilities

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