LD 1820
pg. 7
Page 6 of 39 An Act To Establish the Gambling Control Board To License and Regulate Slot Mac... Page 8 of 39
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LR 2664
Item 1

specified in this chapter.__The board is affiliated with the
department as specified in this chapter.

2.__Members.__The board consists of 5 members appointed by the
Governor.__At least 4 of the board members must have training or
experience in at least one of the following fields:__corporate
finance, economics, law, accounting, law enforcement, computer
science or the gambling industry.__An elected official or
candidate for elective office may not serve as a board member.

3.__Term of office.__Members of the board serve 3-year terms,
except that the Governor shall initially appoint one member for a
term of one year, 2 members for a term of 2 years and 2 members
for a term of 3 years.__A vacancy is filled by appointment for
the remainder of the unexpired term of that member.__Members
whose terms expire serve until their successors are appointed and
confirmed.__Members may serve no more than 2 full consecutive
terms on the board.

4.__Confirmation.__Appointees must be reviewed by the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
gambling matters and are subject to confirmation by the Senate.

5.__Chair.__The Governor shall appoint one of the 5 board
members as chair.__The member serves as chair at the pleasure of
the Governor.

6.__Quorum.__An action of the board is not binding unless
taken at a meeting at which at least 3 of the 5 members are

7.__Removal.__Except as provided in subsection 5, the Governor
may remove any member of the board for just cause.

8.__Conflict of interest.__In addition to the restrictions
imposed pursuant to Title 5, section 18, a board member may not
participate in any matter before the board in which that board
member has a personal bias or any other conflict of interest as
the board determines, either on the board's own motion or in
response to a written complaint.__During a board member's term of
service and for 2 years after the end of that board member's
service, any person with a direct and substantial interest in any
gambling facility or gambling activity may not employ or be
represented by the board member or a member of the board member's
immediate family.__For the purposes of this subsection, "direct
and substantial" means ownership or control of more than 10% of
the voting securities of any gambling facility or any entity in
contract, consort or cooperation with a gambling facility or key

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