LD 1823
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LR 2677
Item 1

prescribed by the Legislative Council. All contributions are
subject to approval by the Legislative Council. All funds accepted
must be forwarded to the Executive Director of the Legislative
Council along with an accounting record that includes the amount of
funds, the date the funds were received, from whom the funds were
received and the purpose of and any limitation on the use of those
funds. The Executive Director of the Legislative Council
administers any funds received by the commission. The executive
director shall notify the chairs of the commission when sufficient
funding has been received.__Any funds appropriated for fiscal year
2003-04 left unexpended at the end of fiscal year 2003-04 do not
lapse and are available for the purposes of the commission in
fiscal year 2004-05; and be it further

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Sec. 3. Retroactivity. Resolved: That that section of this resolve
that amends Resolve 2003, chapter 95, section 7 applies
retroactively to December 3, 2003.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.


This resolve extends the reporting deadline for the Commission
to Study Public Health until November 3, 2004 and directs that
the commission submit its report to the First Regular Session of
the 122nd Legislature. The resolve applies this extension
retroactively from the original reporting deadline of December 3,
2003 and clarifies that the commission's report will include
recommendations for legislative action. The resolve also allows
unexpended funds appropriated for use in fiscal year 2003-04 to
be used in fiscal year 2004-05.

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