LD 1828
pg. 45
Page 44 of 56 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 46 of 56
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LR 2700
Item 1

provided in Title 36, section 381, the Department of Human
Services shall reimburse the municipality for 90% of the amount
in excess of these expenditures when the department finds that
the municipality has been in compliance with all requirements of
this chapter. If a municipality elects to determine need without
consideration of funds distributed from any municipally-
controlled trust fund that must otherwise be considered for
purposes of this chapter, the department shall reimburse the
municipality for 66 2/3% of the amount in excess of such
expenditures when the department finds that the municipality has
otherwise been in compliance with all requirements of this
chapter. The Department of Human Services may reimburse
municipalities for general assistance expenditures up to a
maximum of 50% if the department finds that the municipality has
been in compliance with all requirements of this chapter.

Sec. H-2. 22 MRSA §4311, sub-§1-B, as amended by PL 1991, c. 9, Pt. U,
§8, is repealed.

Sec. H-3. 22 MRSA §4311, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1991, c. 9, Pt. U,
§9, is further amended to read:

2. Submission of reports. Municipalities shall submit
reports as follows either monthly, quarterly or semiannually on
forms provided by the department.

A. For purposes of this section, those municipalities that
received reimbursement at 90% during the previous fiscal
year of the State and those municipalities that expect to
receive reimbursement at 90% during the current fiscal year
of the State must submit monthly reports on forms provided
by the department.

B. Those municipalities that did not receive reimbursement
at 90% during the previous fiscal year and do not expect to
receive reimbursement at 90% for the current fiscal year
must submit quarterly or semiannual reports on forms
provided by the department.

Sec. H-4. Retroactivity. That section of this Part that amends the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 4311, subsection 1
applies retroactively to January 1, 2004. That section of this
Part that repeals Title 22, section 4311, subsection 1-B applies
retroactively to January 1, 2004. That section of this Part that
amends Title 22, section 4311, subsection 2 applies retroactively
to January 1, 2004.


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