LD 1828
pg. 49
Page 48 of 56 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 50 of 56
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Item 1

The tax imposed by this section is an obligation of the
service provider and may not be billed to a consumer as a
separately stated charge.

§2887.__Return and payment of tax

On or before the 15th day of each month, each person subject
to the tax imposed by this chapter must submit to the State Tax
Assessor a return on a form prescribed and furnished by the
assessor.__Each return must be accompanied by payment of an
amount equal to the tax imposed on the person by section 2886 for
the preceding month.__Adjustments required by the payment of any
refunds to consumers may be made on a subsequent month's return.

§2888.__Requirement to file amended return

1. Amended return required.__A person subject to the tax
imposed by section 2886 must file an amended return whenever an
agency of the State or of the United States makes an audit
finding that changes or corrects any item affecting the person's
liability under this chapter or whenever for any reason there is
a change or correction affecting the person's liability under
this chapter.

2. Amended return filed.__The amended return must be filed
within 90 days of an audit finding that affects a person's
liability under this chapter or within 90 days of the time that a
person learns of any other change or correction affecting its
liability under this chapter.

3. Contents of amended return.__The amended return required by
this section must indicate the change or correction and the
reason for that change or correction. The amended return
constitutes an admission as to the correctness of the change
unless the taxpayer includes with the return a written
explanation of the reason the change or correction is erroneous.

4. Additional requirements.__The State Tax Assessor may
require additional information to be filed with the amended
return.__The assessor may prescribe exceptions to the
requirements of this section.

§2889.__Application of revenues

Revenues derived by the tax imposed by this chapter must be
credited to the General Fund.__On or before the 15th day of each
month, the State Controller shall transfer all revenues received
by the State Tax Assessor during the preceding month pursuant to
the tax imposed by section 2886, subsection 1 to the Other
Special Revenue Fund account in the Department of Human Services

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