LD 1843
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act To Require Surety Bonding by Payroll Processing Companies LD 1843 Title Page
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LR 2668
Item 1

The Department of Professional and Financial Regulation may adopt
routine technical rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A to enforce the provisions of this chapter.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill strengthens the laws regarding payroll processors in
the following ways:

1. It requires a payroll processor to maintain a surety bond
equal to the 4-year aggregate of all employer and employee taxes
handled by the payroll processor. A new payroll processor or a
processor without a 4-year history is required to obtain a bond
of at least $100,000;

2. It restricts the use of the funds held by the payroll
processor to deposits in insured financial institutions or
investments in government bonds or the stocks, bonds or
commercial paper of other specific institutions as long as those
institutions are highly rated by a nationally recognized
statistical rating organization;

3. It requires a bonding company to immediately notify the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation of the
cancellation, termination or lapse of a surety bond;

4. It imposes a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per day for
each day that the payroll processor fails to maintain the
required surety bond and a civil penalty up to or equal to the
amount illegally invested by the payroll processor;

5. It requires the payroll processor to submit to annual
audits to be conducted by the Department of Professional and
Financial Regulation; and

6. It shifts from the State Tax Assessor to the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation oversight and
responsibility for payroll processors.

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