LD 1851
pg. 20
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LR 2675
Item 1

relations. Further, the amended language also takes into account a
situation in which a man, who is unable to have sexual intercourse
with his partner, may still have contributed to the conception of
the child through the use of his own sperm. Henceforth, a man in
that situation will be able to recognize legally his paternity
through the voluntary acknowledgment procedure.

ยง1852.__Execution of acknowledgment of paternity

1.__Acknowledgement; requirements.__An acknowledgment of
paternity must:

A.__Be in a record;

B.__Be signed, or otherwise authenticated, under penalty of
perjury by the mother and by the man seeking to establish
his paternity;

C.__State that the child whose paternity is being

(1)__Does not have a presumed parent or has a presumed
parent whose full name is stated; and

(2)__Does not have another acknowledged father or
adjudicated parent;

D.__State whether there has been genetic testing and, if so,
that the acknowledging man's claim of paternity is
consistent with the results of the testing; and

E.__State that the signatories understand that the
acknowledgment is the equivalent of a judicial adjudication
of paternity of the child and that a challenge to the
acknowledgment is permitted only under limited circumstances
and is barred after 2 years.

2.__Acknowledgement void.__An acknowledgment of paternity is
void if it:

A.__States that another person is a presumed parent, unless
a denial of parentage signed or otherwise authenticated by
the presumed parent is filed with the State Registrar of
Vital Statistics;

B.__States that another person is an acknowledged father or
adjudicated parent; or

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