LD 1851
pg. 61
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LR 2675
Item 1

C.__Identified as the father through genetic testing under
section 1905;

D.__An alleged father who has declined to submit to genetic

E.__Shown by clear and convincing evidence to be the parent
of the child; or

F.__The mother of the child.

2.__Custody and visitation.__A temporary order may include
provisions for custody and visitation as provided by other law of
this State.


(This is section 624 of the UPA.)

Source: UIFSA (1996) § 401; 42 U.S.C. § 666(a)(5)(J), see
Appendix: Federal IV-D Statute Relating to Parentage, infra.

Maine Comment

The Maine version broadens the range of individuals against
whom a child order may be entered by making the language gender
neutral consistent with prior Maine amendments to the UPA.

Article 3

Hearings and Adjudication

§1951.__Adjudication of parentage

The court shall apply the following provisions to adjudicate
the parentage of a child.

1.__Parentage disproved.__The parentage of a child having a
presumed parent, acknowledged father or adjudicated parent may be
disproved only by admissible results of genetic testing excluding
that man as the father of the child or identifying another man as
the father of the child.

2.__Identified father adjudicated as father.__Unless the
results of genetic testing are admitted to rebut other results of
genetic testing, a man identified as the father of a child under
section 1905 must be adjudicated the father of the child.

3.__Genetic testing not conclusive.__If the court finds that
genetic testing under section 1905 neither identifies nor

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