LD 1851
pg. 75
Page 74 of 90 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Family Law Advisory Commission w... Page 76 of 90
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LR 2675
Item 1

This section is entirely new to the Parentage Act, but its logic
is derived from the policy stated in § 707, infra. Subsection (a)
applies only to married couples and posits that if there is to be
no liability for a child conceived by assisted reproduction after
death, then there should be no liability for a child conceived or
implanted after divorce. If a former wife proceeds with assisted
reproduction after a divorce, the former husband is not the legal
parent of the resulting child unless he had previously consented in
a record to post-divorce assisted reproduction. If such were the
case, subsection (b) provides a mechanism for him to withdraw that
consent, i.e., by so stating in a record (presumably to be filed
with the laboratory in which the sperm or embryos are stored).

An amendment in 2002 extends a similar right to an unmarried
man. Although there is no automatic cancellation of consent via
divorce in the unmarried context, the man may withdraw his
consent to ART before the woman conceives or is implanted, and
thereby avoid being determined to be the legal parent of the
resulting child.

In either fact scenario, a child born through assisted
reproduction accomplished after consent has been voided by
divorce or withdrawn in a record will have a legal mother under §
201(a)(1). However, the child will have a genetic father, but not
a legal father. In this instance, intention, rather than biology,
is the controlling factor. The section is intended to encourage
careful drafting of assisted reproduction agreements. The
attorney and the parties themselves should discuss the issue and
clarify their intent before a problem arises.

This Act does not attempt to resolve issues as to control of
frozen embryos following dissolution of marital or nonmarital
relationships. As indicated in the prefatory note, those matters
are left to other state laws.

Maine Comment

Maine's revision provides a mechanism to ensure that the woman
bearing a child of assisted reproduction has actual written
notice of withdrawal of consent to assisted reproduction before
placement of the sperm or embryo.

§1967.__Parental status of deceased individual

If an individual who consented in a record to be a parent by
assisted reproduction dies before placement of eggs, sperm or
embryos, the deceased individual is not a parent of the resulting
child unless the deceased individual consented in a record that,

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