LD 1855
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LR 2680
Item 1

(5) Conduct substantially similar to a crime listed in
subparagraph (1), (2), (3) or (4) that is a crime under
the laws of the United States or any other state.

The date of sentencing is the date of the oral pronouncement
of the sentence by the trial court, even if an appeal is

B. "Accompanied by sexual assault" as used with respect to
attempted murder, murder and crimes involving substantially
similar conduct in other jurisdictions is satisfied if the
sentencing court at the time of sentence imposition makes
such a finding.

Sec. A-28. 17-A MRSA §1252, sub-§§5-C and 5-D are enacted to read:

5-C.__In using a sentencing alternative involving a term of
imprisonment for a person convicted of a Class A crime of gross
sexual assault who, at the time the crime was committed, had
previously been convicted and sentenced for a Class B or Class C
crime of unlawful sexual contact, or an essentially similar crime
in another jurisdiction, the court may impose a maximum period of
incarceration in excess of 20 years based on the prior conviction

5-D.__In using a sentencing alternative involving a term of
imprisonment for a person convicted under section 253, subsection
1, paragraph C or Title 17, section 2922, subsection 1, paragraph
A-2, A-3, B-1 or D, the court may impose a maximum period of
incarceration in excess of 20 years based on the fact that the
victim had not attained 12 years of age.


Sec. B-1. 34-A MRSA §11201, as amended by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt. OOO,
§6, is further amended to read:

§11201. Short title

This chapter may be known and cited as the "Sex Offender
Registration and Notification Act of 1999." The purpose of this
chapter is to protect the public from potentially dangerous sex
offenders and sexually violent predators registrants by enhancing
access to information concerning sex offenders and sexually
violent predators registrants.

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