LD 1855
pg. 24
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LR 2680
Item 1

enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction in those areas where
the sex offender or sexually violent predator registrant may
reside, work or attend college or school.

Sec. B-24. 34-A MRSA §§11255 and 11256, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439,
Pt. OOO, §15, are amended to read:

§11255. Public notification

1. Department. Upon the conditional release or discharge of
a sex offender or sexually violent predator registrant from a
state correctional institution, the department shall give notice
of the information under section 11254, subsection 1 to members
of the public the department determines appropriate to ensure
public safety.

2. Law enforcement agencies. Upon receipt of the information
concerning the conditional release or discharge of a sex offender
or sexually violent predator registrant pursuant to section
11254, subsection 2, a law enforcement agency shall notify
members of a municipality that the law enforcement agency
determines appropriate to ensure public safety.

§11256. Risk assessment assistance

Upon request, the department shall provide to law enforcement
agencies technical assistance concerning risk assessment for
purposes of notification to the public of a sex offender's or
sexually violent predator's registrant's conditional release or


Sec. C-1. Research and report regarding potential offenders. The Department of
Behavioral and Developmental Services, the Department of Human
Services, the Department of Corrections and the Department of
Public Safety, in cooperation with the Child Abuse Action
Network, shall:

1. Identify the subpopulation of potential offenders or young
persons at risk of offending because they have been sexually
abused or face a significant mental health disability, with
recognition of the fact that over 95% of sex offenders are male;

2. Identify the types of prevention and treatment currently
known to work with these young persons;

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