LD 1855
pg. 28
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LR 2680
Item 1

C. Defining the terms "another state," "registrant,"
"jurisdiction," and "tribe" to be more consistent with
federal law.

10. It authorizes the State to suspend the requirement that a
sex offender or sexually violent predator register during any
period in which the registrant leaves the State, establishes a
domicile in another state and remains physically absent from the

11. It increases from $25 to $35 the sex offender and
sexually violent predator fee for initial registration and annual
renewal registration and specifies that the law enforcement
agency that processes registrants' pictures and fingerprints
receives $10 of the fee.

12. It makes all changes to the Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act of 1999 retroactive to June 30, 1992.

13. It directs the Department of Behavioral and Developmental
Services, the Department of Human Services, the Department of
Corrections and the Department of Public Safety, in cooperation
with the Child Abuse Action Network, to:

A. Identify the subpopulation of potential offenders or
young persons at risk of offending because they have been
sexually or physically abused or face a significant mental
health disability, with recognition of the fact that over
95% of sex offenders are male;

B. Identify the types of prevention and treatment currently
known to work with these young persons;

C. Coordinate prevention and education efforts with the
goal of seeking coordinated services to transition at-risk
youth to healthy adulthood; and

D. Report findings to the joint standing committees of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human
services and criminal justice and public safety matters.

14. It directs the Criminal Law Advisory Commission to:

A. Review the Sex Offender Registration and Notification
Act of 1999 to identify all crimes of gross sexual assault
and unlawful sexual contact that currently do not require
any registration;

B. Assess whether the current Maine crimes listed as sex
offenses and sexually violent offenses are appropriate under

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