LD 1861
pg. 1
LD 1861 Title Page An Act To Require School Adminstrative Units To Report Their Costs for Legal, C... LD 1861 Title Page
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LR 2714
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §1055, sub-§9, as amended by PL 1983, c. 859, Pt. A,
§§4 and 25, is further amended to read:

9. Report to the commissioner. The superintendent shall
annually report, under oath, to the commissioner before a date
established by the commissioner, concerning the operation of the
school unit. The report shall must contain:

A. The amount appropriated and expended on elementary and
secondary education in the preceding fiscal year;

B. The number of weeks schools were open;

C. The number of students registered;

D. The average attendance;

E. The amount received for tuition; and

E-1.__An itemized report of all fees and expenses incurred
or paid for legal, consulting and other professional
services; and

F. Other information required by rule adopted by the
commissioner to demonstrate compliance with the requirements
of this Title.


This bill requires local school units to provide an itemized
report of all expenditures for legal, consulting and other
professional services.

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