LD 1862
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Expand Access to Higher Education and Employment for Youth Page 3 of 5
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LR 2720
Item 1


General Fund Total$0$100,000


Sec. B-1. Boards of trustees of University of Maine System and Maine Community
College System directed to remove barriers to student transfer within and between systems.
The boards of trustees of the University of Maine System and
Maine Community College System shall develop and implement a
consistent policy regarding the transfer of credits between
campuses within each system and between the 2 systems. The
policy must apply to all campuses and must not discriminate
against any particular campus. The policy must specifically
address the transfer of credits with respect to academic majors
and minors and must be designed to remove barriers to student
transfer within and between campuses and to facilitate completion
of the students' education in a timely and affordable manner. At
a minimum, the policy developed by the boards of trustees must
provide for the approval of credits in courses that a student has
satisfactorily completed in that student's academic major and
minor areas of study and is transferring to a different college
campus of the university system or the community college system
or between the university system and community college system.
The courses accepted for credit in a student's academic major or
minor must be relevant to the areas of study in which the student
is seeking a degree. The boards of trustees are urged to develop
and implement a policy that reflects a truly unified system of
higher education in the State.

Sec. B-2. Reporting date established. The boards of trustees of the
University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System
shall report on the development and implementation of the
transfer credit policy described in section 1 of this Part to any
policy-making body established in state law to direct a
coordinated effort to develop, realign, streamline and oversee
the State's economic development policy and specific efforts to
retain and attract young people and to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education
matters no later than January 15, 2005.


Sec. C-1. University of Maine System and Maine Community College System directed
to develop entrepreneurship education. The University of Maine System and
the Maine Community College System shall work together to develop
a unified, comprehensive approach to entrepreneurship education.
This initiative must include specific courses and

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