LD 1864
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Recruit and Retain College Graduates through Loan Repayment Page 3 of 3
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LR 2722
Item 1

C.__That the applicant is willing to accept and maintain
employment in an eligible employment position.

3.__Application.__An application to the program must be made
directly to the authority at a time and in a format to be
determined by the authority.

4.__Maximum loan repayment.__The maximum loan repayment amount
available to a participant in the program is $5,000 per year for
a maximum of 4 years.

5.__Loan repayment agreement; provisions.__The authority shall
enter into loan repayment agreements with participants, on terms
and conditions acceptable to the authority, which at a minimum
must require the participant and the participant's employer to
certify annually, before payment of any installment by the
authority under the loan repayment agreement, that the
participant has been employed in an eligible employment position
for the preceding 12-month period.__Payment of any installment by
the authority must be made directly for credit to the
participant's account at the financial institution certified by
the participant as responsible for administration of that
person's student loans.

§12523.__Nonlapsing fund

A nonlapsing, interest-earning, revolving fund under the
jurisdiction of the authority is created to carry out the
purposes of this chapter.__The authority may receive, invest and
expend, on behalf of the fund, money from gifts, grants, bequests
and donations in addition to money appropriated or allocated by
the State.__Money received by the authority under this chapter
must be invested by the authority, as provided by law, with the
earned income to be added to the fund.__Money in the fund, except
interest income, must be used for the designated purpose of the
fund; interest income may be used for the designated purpose or
to pay administrative costs incurred by the authority for the
operation of the program.


The authority shall establish rules necessary to implement
this chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-


The authority shall report on the program to the policy-making
body established to direct a coordinated effort to

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