LD 1891
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Page 2 of 3 An Act To Reclassify Certain Downeast Waters LD 1891 Title Page
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LR 2787
Item 1

(4)__Eastern Little River in Columbia Falls - Class AA.

(5)__Western Little River from its confluence with
Montegail Stream to the Pleasant River in Columbia,
Township 18 Middle Division and Township 19 Middle
Division - Class AA.

Sec. 5. 38 MRSA §468, sub-§8, ¶K, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 317, §21,
is amended to read:

K. Steuben.

(1) Whitten Parritt Stream - Class A.

(2) Tunk Stream and tributaries upstream of Route 1 -
Class A.

Sec. 6. 38 MRSA §468, sub-§8, ¶¶L to O are enacted to read:


(1)__Harrington River and tributaries - Class A.


(1)__Harrington River and tributaries - Class A.


(1)__Indian River - Class A.


(1)__Indian River - Class A.


This bill reclassifies certain Downeast waters that were
proposed for reclassification by the Department of Environmental
Protection during the First Regular Session of the 121st
Legislature but were not included in the report of the Joint
Standing Committee on Natural Resources during that session.
This bill is submitted pursuant to Public Law 2003, chapter 317.

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