LD 1893
pg. 4
Page 3 of 9 An Act To Impose Limits on Real and Personal Property Taxes Page 5 of 9
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LR 2760
Item 1

1996-97 tax bill under "Total Value" or, thereafter, the appraised
value of real and personal property when purchased, newly
constructed or a change in ownership has occurred after the 1997
assessment.__All real and personal property not already assessed up
to the state regulation of 100% valuation of the 1996-97 total
value may be reassessed to reflect that valuation.__For purposes of
this section, "newly constructed" does not include real property
that is reconstructed after a disaster, as declared by the
Governor, where the fair market value of the real property, as
reconstructed, is comparable to its fair market value prior to the
disaster.__Also, the term "newly constructed" shall not include the
portion of reconstruction or improvement to a structure,
constructed of reinforced masonry bearing wall construction,
necessary to comply with any local ordinance relating to seismic
safety during the first 15 years following that reconstruction or
improvement.__Depreciation on personal property shall be
depreciated and listed from the annual form as supplied by the

However, the Legislature may provide that under appropriate
circumstances and pursuant to definitions and procedures
established by the Legislature, any person over the age of 55
years who resides in property which is eligible for the
homeowner's exemption and any implementing legislation may
transfer the base year value of the property entitled to
exemption, with the adjustments authorized by subsection 5, to
any replacement dwelling of equal or lesser value located within
the same state and purchased or newly constructed by that person
as his or her principal residence within 2 years of the sale of
the original property.__For purposes of this section, "any person
over the age of 55 years" includes a married couple one member of
which is over the age of 55 years.__For purposes of this section,
"replacement dwelling" means a building or structure or other
shelter constituting a place of abode, whether real property and
personal property, and any land on which it may be situated.__For
purposes of this section, a 2-dwelling unit shall be considered
as 2 separate single-family dwellings.__This paragraph shall
apply to any replacement dwelling that was purchased or newly
constructed on or after passage of this article.

In addition, the Legislature may authorize a government entity,
after consultation with the local affected agencies within the
government entity's boundaries, to adopt an ordinance making the
provisions of this subdivision relating to transfer of base year
value also applicable to situations in which the replacement
dwellings are located in that government entity and the original
properties are located in another county within this State.__For
purposes of this paragraph, "local affected agency" means any
city, special district, school district or community college
district that receives an annual property tax revenue

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