LD 1902
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Agri... Page 4 of 6
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LR 2748
Item 1

shall enter into an agreement to pay inspection and certification
fees determined by the commissioner to cover the cost of inspection
and certification.__Upon entering into an agreement with a grower,
the commissioner or an agent of the commissioner shall list that
grower's crops to be inspected and shall inspect and certify the
crops in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.__
All certification and inspection fees received in accordance with
this section must be deposited in the Certified Seed Fund
established in section 2107.

Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §2106, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 4, Pt. E, §1, is
amended to read:

§2106. Working capital advance

The State Controller is authorized to advance $300,000 from
the General Fund unappropriated surplus to the Division of Plant
Industry program in the department Certified Seed Fund
established in section 2107 during any state fiscal year, if
requested in writing by the Director of the Division of Plant
Industry, to be used to provide cash necessary to meet current
expenditures of the seed certification program. These funds must
be returned to the General Fund unappropriated surplus before the
close of the state fiscal year in which the advance was made.
The State Controller shall report to the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and
financial affairs within 30 days of making any working capital
advance for this purpose.

Sec. 7. 7 MRSA §2107 is enacted to read:

§2107.__Certified Seed Fund

There is established the Certified Seed Fund.__The fund
receives all certification and inspection fees paid in accordance
with section 2102 and all other funds received in support of
operating a statewide seed certification program.__All money
deposited in the fund must be used for the management and
operation of the seed certification program.__Unexpended balances
in the fund do not lapse and must be carried forward to be used
for the purposes specified in this section.__Any interest earned
on the revenue deposited in the fund accrues to the fund.

Sec. 8. 10 MRSA §1023-J, first ¶, as amended by PL 2003, c. 120, §3, is
further amended to read:

The Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund, referred to in this
section as the "fund," is created. The fund must be deposited
with and maintained by the Finance Authority of Maine. The fund
must be administered by the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and

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