LD 1909
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Promote Decision Making Within the Workers' Compensation Board LD 1909 Title Page
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LR 2795
Item 1

time on an acting basis conclude immediately upon the effective
date of this Act. The other incumbent management and labor
representatives shall remain in office until February 1, 2005,
unless replaced sooner by the Governor. No later than August 31,
2004, the employer and labor organizations designated in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 39-A, section 151, subsection 1 shall each
submit lists of no fewer than 12 names to the Governor. From these
lists, the Governor shall appoint 3 management representatives and
3 labor representatives to serve on the board. The terms of one
management and one labor representative expire February 1, 2006.
The terms of one management and one labor representative expire
February 1, 2007. The terms of one management and one labor
representative expire February 1, 2008.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill amends the structure of the Workers' Compensation
Board. The board currently consists of 8 individuals. This bill
changes the board's membership to 7 individuals: 3
representatives of labor; 3 representatives of management; and
the executive director of the board. The executive director is
appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the
Legislature and serves at the pleasure of the Governor. The
executive director also serves as chair of the board.

The bill provides procedural language guiding the attendance
and votes of the new board. The bill also provides transitional

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