LD 1919
pg. 63
Page 62 of 225 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 64 of 225
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LR 2833
Item 1

from the deappropriation of funds in the Health Reform Reserve Fund
account, established in Public Law 2003, chapter 451, Part C. Also
provides for the allocation and receipt of funds associated with
the federal MaineCare Match reimbursement for one Director position
and one Deputy Director position within the Office of Health Policy
and Finance.

General Fund2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (9.000) (9.000)

Personal Services179,486828,580

All Other60,00098,500


General Fund Total239,486927,080

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

Personal Services070,962

All Other08,051


Federal Expenditures Fund Total079,013

Planning Office 0082

Initiative: Provides for the transfer of one Public Service
Coordinator III position, associated All Other and revenue from
the State Planning Office to the Office of the Public Advocate.

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (-1.000)

Personal Services0 (92,172)

All Other0 (21,828)


Other Special Revenue Funds Total0 (114,000)

Public Advocate 0410

Initiative: Provides for the transfer of one Public Service
Coordinator III position, associated All Other and revenue from
the State Planning Office to the Office of the Public Advocate.

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (1.000)

Personal Services0112,642

All Other0211,358


Other Special Revenue Funds Total0324,000



GENERAL FUND239,486927,080

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