LD 1919
pg. 66
Page 65 of 225 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 67 of 225
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LR 2833
Item 1

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (1.000)

Personal Services0119,108


Federal Expenditures Fund Total0119,108

Office of Management and Budget 0142

Initiative: Provides for the allocation of funds to transfer one
project Systems Team Leader position and one Database Analyst
position in the Office of Management and Budget and one
Programmer Analyst position in the Office of Management and
Budget dedicated revenue account to the Federal Project Grants

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (-1.000)

Personal Services0 (163,908)


Federal Expenditures Fund Total0 (163,908)

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (-1.000)

Personal Services0 (76,085)


Other Special Revenue Funds Total0 (76,085)

Fund for a Healthy Maine - Service Center 0957

Initiative: Provides for the deallocation of funds through a
transfer of salary savings to the Fund for a Healthy Maine to
cover a Personal Services shortfall. Several of the FHM programs
are fully staffed and are unable to achieve the anticipated
savings through attrition, resulting in insufficient Personal
Services allocation for fiscal year 2003-04.

Fund for a Healthy Maine2003-042004-05

Personal Services (2,500)0


Fund for a Healthy Maine Total (2,500)0

Community Services Center 0845

Initiative: Provides for the allocation of funds to reflect the
amount of revenue collected in child care licensing fees for the
administration of the program.

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

All Other0200,000


Other Special Revenue Funds Total0200,000

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