LD 1919
pg. 89
Page 88 of 225 An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 90 of 225
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LR 2833
Item 1

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

All Other0 (1,590,425)


Federal Expenditures Fund Total0 (1,590,425)

Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147

Initiative: Provides for the deallocation of funds for the
federal seed of a General Fund deappropriation in the Department
of Behavioral and Developmental Services as a result of savings
to be achieved by: reducing rates for outpatient services to
120% of the MaineCare rates for private practitioners to achieve
payment equity among service providers; and establishing limits
on duration of outpatient services with prior authorization to
exceed the limits for seriously emotionally disturbed children.

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

All Other0 (4,174,398)


Federal Expenditures Fund Total0 (4,174,398)

Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147

Initiative: Provides for the deallocation of funds for the
federal seed of a General Fund deappropriation in the Department
of Behavioral and Developmental Services as a result of savings
to be achieved by eliminating child and family community support
and in-home support services and implementing a redesigned
benefit based on clinical criteria.

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

All Other0 (1,871,088)


Federal Expenditures Fund Total0 (1,871,088)

Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147

Initiative: Provides for the deallocation of funds for the
federal seed of a General Fund deappropriation in the Department
of Behavioral and Developmental Services as a result of savings
to be achieved by establishing cost caps in intermediate care
facilities/mental retardation cost principles.

Federal Expenditures Fund2003-042004-05

All Other0 (327,440)


Federal Expenditures Fund Total0 (327,440)

Medical Care - Payments to Providers 0147

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