LD 1920
pg. 169
Page 168 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 170 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

(1) Ten horsepower or less, the fee is $7.50;

(2) Greater than 10, but not more than 50 horsepower,
the fee is $12.50;

(3) Greater than 50 horsepower, the fee is $18.75; and

(4) Personal watercraft, the fee is $25.00.

Validation stickers are nontransferable.

9. Renewal. The owner may renew the owner's certificate of
number at expiration by stating the old number in the owner's
application and paying the fee prescribed in subsection 8. The
fee is the same fee the owner would pay for the original

10. Transfer of ownership. Whoever transfers ownership of a
motorboat for which a certificate of number has already been
issued under this chapter and applies for a certificate of number
for another motorboat is entitled to a new certificate of number
upon payment of a transfer fee of $2 as set forth in subsection
8, paragraph E, provided the applicant returns to the
commissioner the old certificate of number properly signed and
executed, showing that ownership of the motorboat has been

11. New ownership. If there is a change of ownership of a
motorboat for which a certificate of number has previously been
issued under this chapter, the new owner shall apply for a new
certificate of number and set forth the original boat number in
the application. The new owner shall pay the regular fee for the
particular motorboat involved and is not entitled to the special
transfer fee set forth in subsection 10.

A. After September 30th, a person may pay 125% of the
original watercraft registration fee as listed in subsection
8, paragraph F and receive a registration covering the
remainder of the calendar year plus one additional year.

12. Requirements. The following provisions must be observed
establish requirements for certificates of number, identification
numbers and validation stickers.

A. The operator shall have the certificate of number
available for inspection on the motorboat for which it was
issued whenever the motorboat is in operation.

B. The A person may not operate or give permission to operate a
motorboat unless the identification number and

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