LD 1920
pg. 42
Page 41 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 43 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

C. The person meets all other requirements for issuance of
that permit and related licensing requirements and is not
otherwise ineligible for that permit.

Prior to making a determination of eligibility under this
subsection, the commissioner or the commissioner's agent shall
meet with the applicant in person at a location chosen by the
commissioner to discuss the applicant's needs. Each applicant's
disability and needs must be reviewed in consultation with the
disabled hunter, trapper and angler advisory committee
established in section 10152 and a determination made regarding
the special authorization that may be made to enhance the
applicant's access to fishing, hunting and trapping
opportunities. A permit issued under this subsection must be
signed by the commissioner and include a clear and specific
description of the activities authorized by that permit. The
disabled person shall carry the permit whenever that person is
hunting, trapping or fishing, and the permit must be presented to
a game warden or other law enforcement officer upon request. No
laws or rules may be waived except as are necessary to effect
this subsection.

The commissioner may authorize only the minimum special
exceptions necessary to overcome the applicant's disability and
allow that applicant to safely hunt, trap or fish. This does not
authorize the commissioner to issue special exceptions that
endanger public safety. A permit issued under this subsection
may does not authorize a person to exceed the allowable bag or
size limits for any fish or wildlife species; to fish for or take
a fish or wildlife species for which a license is not otherwise
issued; to fish for, trap or hunt a fish or wildlife species more
than 7 days before the opening or more than 7 days after the
closing of the regular open season for that species; or to fish,
trap or hunt in any area permanently closed to those activities
by state law or rule.

Sec. 97. 12 MRSA §10853, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Persons with acquired brain injury.__A complimentary
license to fish must be issued to any person with a head injury,
as defined by Title 22, section 3086, upon application to the
commissioner.__This complimentary license remains effective for
the life of the license holder if the license is not revoked or

Sec. 98. 12 MRSA §10901, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 414, Pt. A, §2
and affected by Pt. D, §7, is repealed and the following enacted
in its place:

§10901.__Compliance; noncompliance

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