LD 1920
pg. 9
Page 8 of 234 An Act To Revise the Fish and Wildlife Laws To Complement the Recodification of... Page 10 of 234
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LR 2679
Item 1

(3) Provide linkage with local conservation
organizations, volunteer groups and advisory groups;

(4) Enhance enforcement of trespass, dumping and
property damage violations;

(5) Provide educational materials and signs;

(6) Coordinate with other related landowner relations
activities, including Landowner Recognition Day; and

(7) Encourage landowners who allow access to their
property only with permission to conspicuously post
signs on the property indicating the name and address
of the owner or other person with authority to grant
permission; and

B. A program called the Sport Hunter Program. The Sport
Hunter Program is established to combat disrespect and
misconduct and to improve the hunter's image through
landowner relations, coordination with hunter safety
programs and conservation ethics. Three Four dollars of
each $15 $20 collected under subsection 3 is dedicated to
the Sport Hunter Program.

The Support Landowners Program and the Sport Hunter Program must
operate within the department and must be implemented no later
than January 1, 1996.

Sec. 30. 12 MRSA §10108, sub-§§10 and 11 are enacted to read:

10.__Becoming an Outdoors Woman.__The Becoming an Outdoors
Woman program is established in the department to encourage women
to participate in hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities
within the State.__The commissioner may sponsor Becoming an
Outdoors Woman events, establish appropriate fees for
participation and accept money, goods and services donated to the
department for the Becoming an Outdoors Woman program.

11.__Coyote control program.__Pursuant to section 10053,
subsection 8, the commissioner shall maintain a coyote control
program as follows.

A.__The commissioner may employ qualified persons to serve as
agents of the department for purposes of coyote control. These
agents must be trained by the department in animal damage control
techniques and must be utilized by the department to perform
coyote control duties in areas where predation by coyotes is
posing a threat to deer or other

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