LD 1921
pg. 6
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LR 2782
Item 1

(1)__Calculating the total costs in the fiscal year
prior to that in which the regional cooperative
initiated operations incurred by the school
administrative units that combined to form the regional

(2)__Adjusting the amount calculated under subparagraph
(1) by appropriate trends in the Consumer Price Index
or a comparable index; and

(3)__Comparing the regional cooperative's costs to the
adjusted costs calculated under subparagraph (2).

2.__Preliminary approval; eligibility for funding.__The
commissioner may grant preliminary approval of a proposed
regional cooperative if 5 or more participating school
administrative units:

A.__Jointly request preliminary approval under this
subsection; and

B.__Have entered into an agreement pursuant to section 3703
to form a regional cooperative.

Preliminary approval granted under this subsection is void if the
proposed regional cooperative is not operational within 3 years
of the date of preliminary approval, as determined by the

3.__Final approval.__The commissioner shall grant final
approval of a regional cooperative if:

A.__The participating school administrative units request
final approval under this subsection; and

B.__The commissioner determines that the proposed regional
cooperative meets the criteria of subsection 1.

At the time the commissioner issues final approval, the
commissioner shall notify the state board, which shall set the
first day of the fiscal year following that in which final
approval is granted as the date for initiation of operations by
the regional cooperative.

4.__Performance review; fund ineligibility and reimbursement.__
The commissioner shall annually determine, based on review of
information submitted under subsection 1, whether a regional
cooperative to which the commissioner has granted final approval
under subsection 3 has achieved cost savings and reinvested these
savings in school instructional programs in

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