LD 1921
pg. 8
Page 7 of 17 An Act To Encourage Voluntary Efficiency in Maine's School Systems and Related ... Page 9 of 17
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LR 2782
Item 1

cost-efficiency and lower costs of providing public education
services for kindergarten to grade 12;

E.__Require, as part of the agreement under paragraph D, for
an annual report, on a form developed by the department,
from the efficient school unit to the commissioner

(1)__Sustained or improved cost savings by the
efficient school unit, determined by:

(a)__Calculating the total costs in the fiscal
year prior to that in which the efficient school
unit was certified under subsection 2;

(b)__Adjusting the amount calculated under
subparagraph (a) by appropriate trends in the
Consumer Price Index or a comparable index; and

(c) Comparing the efficient school unit's total
costs to the adjusted costs calculated under
subparagraph (b);

(2)__Assistance provided under the agreement;

(3)__ Any recommendations made under the agreement
regarding increased efficiency and cost savings; and

(4)__Sustained or improved high-level student
performance, as determined by the state assessment
program established under section 6202 or other means,
in accordance with rules adopted by the commissioner
pursuant to section 3709;

F.__Demonstrate satisfaction of cost-efficiency criteria, in
accordance with rules made by the commissioner pursuant to
section 3709; and

G.__Demonstrate high-level student performance as determined
by the state assessment program established under section
6202 or other means, in accordance with rules adopted by the
commissioner pursuant to section 3709.

2.__Certification.__The commissioner shall certify a school
administrative unit as an efficient school unit if:

A.__The school administrative unit requests certification
under this subsection; and

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